Five Myths and Facts About Invisalign®

Invisalign Brevard, NC

For those patients dealing with a crooked smile, Invisalign® may be a treatment worth exploring. Traditional braces may not work for everyone. Being a professional can mean meetings with clients, so silver brackets and wires may be less appealing than a discreet transparent tray system. Find out more about this innovative teeth-straightening system and get the facts and fiction out of the way.

The reasons for crooked teeth

Many factors may cause teeth to become crooked. Baby teeth set the stage for adult teeth to follow. When there is inadequate space for either set to grow in, teeth may fit by turning or tilting. Habits like thumb-sucking can exacerbate the problem and impact the jaw.

Fixing teeth and bite alignment usually begins when all baby teeth are gone. Traditional bracket-and-wire braces can force teeth into proper placement. In recent years, an alternative form of treatment that utilizes removable trays has been gaining popularity. The Invisalign® system is one such tray system.

5 Invisalign® myths and facts

There is a lot of misinformation going around about how a tray system works to straighten teeth. Sorting out the truth from myth can help make it a viable contender for treatment.

1. Myth – A tray system takes longer to work

People investigating Invisalign® may have read that this particular treatment takes much longer to work than braces. In fact, the total treatment time for trays is typically similar to braces. In some instances, it may be substantially shorter. As with braces, the timeframe depends on how diligent the patient is with adhering to the provider's instructions. Failing to wear the trays as prescribed may cause delays in treatment.

2. Fact – Invisalign® can correct bite issues

Trays do more than make teeth look straight. They also correct many bite issues. Like braces, trays may be worn with rubber bands to place pressure on the way the jaw comes together. Fixing the bite is critical to overall dental health as it can prevent even more painful conditions from occurring later in life.

3. Myth – Trays are more painful than braces

Regardless of what type of method is used, the pressure placed on the teeth generally causes a measure of discomfort. The difference is trays can be removed, and the temptation to do so may be strong, especially when it is time to increase pressure with a new set. The key is to get through the first few days at any adjustment level. After that, the pain usually subsides.

4. Fact – Invisalign® is difficult to see

One of the most attractive things about using a tray system is the aligners are nearly invisible. Adults who choose to fix teeth later in life may be self-conscious about braces. Invisalign® solves this problem by being difficult to see.

5. Myth – Orthodontists do not recommend trays

Orthodontists have come to embrace and offer tray systems as alternatives to braces when it suits the patient's needs. In cases when Invisalign® may work, dentists may recommend it.


A crooked smile may be fixed with Invisalign® trays. Speak with a provider in your area to see if this alternative would work for you.

Request an appointment here: or call Carolina Smiles Family Dental at (828) 974-3326 for an appointment in our Brevard office.

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