Dental Bridge: Types and Uses

Dental Bridges Brevard, NC

A dental bridge is a restoration that fills the space where one or several teeth are missing. The bridge helps keep the natural shape of your face. It can also restore your bite. Read on to learn about what you can expect from each of the different types of dental bridges available.

Dental bridge types

There are four main types of bridges available. These include traditional, cantilever, Maryland, and implant-supported bridges. Each of them has its pros and cons. A dentist can help patients determine the type of bridge that can meet their needs.

Traditional dental bridges

A very popular type of dental bridges is the traditional bridges. These bridges are commonly used when natural teeth surround a lost tooth on either side. They consist of an artificial tooth or teeth that are fixed in place by crowns that have been cemented onto the abutment teeth. Traditional bridges are often made of either porcelain fused to metal or ceramic. These bridges can replace molars as they are strong.

Cantilever bridges

The cantilever bridges are attached only to one side of an abutment. A cantilever bridge needs just one natural tooth next to the missing tooth gap. The dentist prepares the adjacent tooth so that it can support the bridge. This involves removing the tooth’s enamel.

Maryland bridges

Maryland bridges are also referred to as resin-bonded bridges. These bridges are commonly used to replace front teeth. Maryland bridges use either porcelain or metal bands to bind a pontic tooth to the backs of the adjacent teeth. Maryland bridges are considered to be an easier alternative to the traditional dental bridges. This type of bridge does not need dental crowns to hold it in place, so the dentist does not remove enamel from the adjacent teeth.

Implant-supported bridges

These bridges are like the regular dental bridges; however, they are supported by implants rather than natural teeth. A dentist uses implant-supported bridges when a patient has lots of missing teeth. These bridges are also used when too much pressure might be put on individual implants that are not connected. The dentist surgically places one implant for each missing tooth and these implants hold the bridge in position.

In a case where one implant for each missing tooth is not possible, there might be a pontic tooth suspended between two implant-supported crowns. It is usually considered to be the strongest and most stable system. An implant-supported bridge often requires two surgeries. The first one will be to set the implants and the other to place the bridge. It can take many months for the procedure to be completely finished.

Learn how to care for your dental bridges

If you are missing a tooth or multiple teeth, there are different tooth-replacement options available. There are many benefits to choosing dental bridges. But any dental bridge needs diligent oral care. It is vital to take good care of bridges to ensure the dental restorations will last for a long time. Your dentist can advise you on how to clean your dental bridges effectively.

Are you considering a dental bridge in the Brevard area? Get more information at

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